Addicted to Healthy Food?

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Healthy Food Obsession

Healthy Food
Image from Pixabay

Is Healthy Food a Fashion, or a Necessity for a Healthy Body? Certainly healthy food doesn’t mean fast food or fries all the time. The obsession with eating “healthy” can bring that person to the brink of anorexia. Wondering how you can get anorexic?

Many Hollywood stars boast a wild body, starting with the definition of “string woman.” Stars like Victoria Beckham, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kate Moss, Angelina Jolie or Keira Knightlei boast vegan eating habits, smoothies as food or detoxdiets – which have nothing to do with a healthy diet– but a draconian hunger diet.

Then how can we not ask ourselves, “What do we eat after all, if we want to be healthy, but not without forms?” And this time, the answer is a balanced diet, containing everything, but in moderate amounts, served at the three meals and three “distributed” snacks throughout the day.

Orthorexia, how does it manifest?

Orthorexia, manifested by obsessive-compulsive behavior. When we refuse to touch anything that doesn’t fall into the healthy food category, we try to cut portions to near the limit of inaniation, we read product labels five times, we know all the harmful ingredients, we don’t buy anything if it doesn’t have an organic label…

It’s good to read product labels before we put them in the basket, it’s also good to buy from the plafar and the specialty stores, but there’s no need to make an obsession out of it. An ice cream, a fried potato, a schnitzel or a hamburger– served less often – is good for the psyche. I know after we eat them we feel guilty! That’s why we must never forget, the human brain works on the Pavlov reward system.

Healthy Food and a Balanced Life

Healthy Food
Image from Pixabay

Each organism is different and the diet is done according to each one. The easiest way to return to a normal diet is to give priority to foods that ensure a constant good mood while eliminating lethargic or obsessive states caused by orthorexia. From our diet should not be missing: folic acid, Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin A and magnesium.

Vitamin A. Many studies have shown that low levels of vitamin A lead to psychotic behavior. To never get to a standstill, it is good to make sure that not a day goes by without eating food containing this vitamin. Foods with vitamin A are: cheese, meat, light-coloured fruit, vegetables and eggs.

Folic acid. Apart from the fact that it is vital for a woman’s health, it is especially important if she intends to become pregnant in the near future (diminishes the risks of malformation of the fetus). Folic acid normalizes the level of hormones secreted by the brain, those that, if they fluctuate, lead to anxious states. Foods containing folic acid are: broccoli, mushrooms, spinach, beans, orangejuice, bananas.

Healthy Food
Image from Pixabay

Omega 3 fatty acids. Thanks to these Omega 3 fatty acids, we have a shiny skin, an intellectual capacity envied by colleagues, but also an imperturbable Zen state. Foods rich in Omega 3 are: herring, salmon,tuna, trout, mackerel, but don’t forget the flaxseeds.

Magnesium. In the absence of an adequate amount of magnesium, psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, anorexia, etc. may occur. That’s why it’s good to include magnesium-rich foods such as beans,nuts and vegetablesin our daily diet.

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