Anti-aging Smoothies with Vegetables
I propose a smoothies, rich in protective antioxidants, which is a delicious and healthy alternative to breakfast or a healthy lunch.
Anti-aging ingredients: 2 celery stalks, 1 small garlic clove, 4 tomatoes,1 large handful of spinach and nasturel leaves, 2 carrots. Squeeze all ingredients and mix well.
Health benefits
The vegetable mixture in this anti-aging smoothies is rich in protective betacarotene, lycopin, lutein and zeaxanthin, which prevent macular degeneration, associated with aging and other chronic conditions. Nasturel and spinach provide iron and vitamin C,for energy resistance and regeneration in the anti-aging process.
Garlic contains highly detoxifying sulfurous compounds that strengthen the immune system, including allicin, which are supposed to prevent the development of cancer cells. Garlic is a powerful antibiotic that helps to treat infections, especially in the digestive tract, being an effective decongestant in treating symptoms of cold and cough.