Are you sensitive to dust in the atmosphere?

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Dust can take various forms

Dust is present almost everywhere and can take various forms. It can be made up of tiny carbon particles from exhaust gases, cigarette smoke and other burns. Dust can be made up of material crumbs, dead and peeling skin from humans, animals or insects, food particles, powder or sprays.

One of the main causes is even the microscopic mite repellents and their even more microscopic waste. I know it’s not very pleasant to talk about mites, but we’ll get over it if we’re more sensitive. The mites are not visible to the naked eye, yet there are millions in mattresses, bed linen, carpets, furniture and curtains.

Are you sensitive to dust in the atmosphere?
Image from Pixabay

These mites breed in hot and humid environments, from overheated dwellings where there are thick carpets. Although their lifespan is only ten weeks, each female can produce up to eighty eggs during this time. The mites are hard to vacuum, even with the most powerful vacuum cleaners. However, vacuum cleaners equipped with a very fine filter.

If everything I’ve told you so far worries you, I suggest you pour yourself a cup of tea and sit down because the worst is yet to come. Dust contains particles that cause a wide range of allergies,contains bacteria and viruses that spread cold and flu. If we feel that we have sore throats frequently, almost in all seasons, if our nose runs, we sneeze, we have strange irritations and states of confusion, it is very possible to be sensitive to dust in the atmosphere.

Dust – precautions

Our health is very important, so it is good to take some precautions with regard to the dust in the home.

If we have doors or windows facing busy streets, then dust and noise pollution can bring maximum discomfort. It is good to keep them closed at peak times, when pollution is maximum.

Are you sensitive to dust in the atmosphere?
Image from Pixabay

Do general cleaning frequently to remove dust particles from flat surfaces, window sills, shelves, window and door frames, chairs, etc., as well as carpets and tapestry.

It is good not to use dust rags or dried brooms. All they do is scatter the dust in the air, which then sits back on the parquet floor or enters our lungs. Vacuum cleaners and wet rags are the most indicated in the cleaning process of our home. It is good to open the windows while we clean to vent the dust that rises in the air.

It is good to wash bed linen weekly at high temperatures, and blankets and pillows at least once a month. We change pillows and pillows once or twice a year. We steam clean the soft tapestry and curtains. We use blinds where possible instead of drapes, and carpeting is good to avoid using it.

We close the shelves with glass to avoid gathering dust on surfaces. Let’s avoid eating as much as possible while we’re walking around the room. It is good to reduce the use of gas or fuel stoves or wood or coal fireplaces. I don’t think it’s news what I’m saying about smoking, which will be totally avoided indoors.

Are you sensitive to dust in the atmosphere?
Image from Pixabay

It is good to use non-toxic sprays against mites and allergenic factors on water-resistant materials and carpets (but not on bed linen).

As we know for many of us pollen is a problem, so is ambrosia or other weeds. In this case it is good to keep the windows closed during flowering periods, when it is formed in abundance. Those who are allergic should take special precautions in relation to the chemicals and materials they introduce into the home. To have a harmonious living environment is to live in good health. Feng Shui teaches us best how to live in harmony with nature.

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