I chose the Notebook of Happiness

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I chose happiness! You?

Happiness is the only thing that doubles when shared. I invite you to go on a journey, with great courage, commitment, forgiveness and compassion, in which to discover our own happiness. Antoneta “Tony” Galeș, has provided us with a wonderful book, a diary, which we can use on our own journey to themselves. Tony is Focused Coach, Phroretik art therapist with an extraordinary talent for instilling the courage to become their best choice.

The notebook of happiness is created to discover our own needs through a process of awareness,in order to help us reach a happy life as we all want. A notebook about happiness? I love it! I like it because I want to see as many people as possible happy. In fact, our purpose on Earth is to be happy.

I chose the Notebook of Happiness
Image by Viata-Perfecta.ro

There are many of us who unfortunately do not realize that life is perfect and that we humans always manage to complicate it. The notebook of happiness is that tool that challenges us to introspection, reflection and inner work. Here we find a number of relevant practices and topics with maximum impact on our well-being.

Our vision of life is a gift we came to this planet with. The reason we don’t achieve our goals towards self-fulfillment are emotions and thoughts– often negative. We are in an ocean of information and we need support, motivation and especially action.

I got a wonderful gift, happiness

The notebook of happiness is a challenge for all of us, from which we learn concrete techniques, how to feel good about ourselves and with our lives. Here we discover the art of speaking clearly, calmly, honestly and beautifully with those around us and with ourselves. We will be able to be aware of what we really need for a perfect life.

We humans want to be in the company of those with whom we resemble and resonate. The challenges are at all levels: physical, biochemical, energetic, mental, spiritual. A flexible mental setting and a clear action plan gives us confidence, optimism and gives us the freedom to make the right choices.

Things seem simple at first glance. Fulfillment and self-satisfaction come with the acceptance of happiness. Most of the time, we put limits on ourselves and condition ourselves. If we manage to connect with the moral, ethical principles in which we believe, we will feel free about our decisions. The notebook of happiness is for me, for you, for all of us, a diary of our dreams, which guides us to self-fulfillment.

The happiness notebook improves attention and observation and trains thinking. If we were able to pay more attention to ourselves and observe our thinking mechanisms, we would be able to make the right choices, be present here and live better with ourselves now. And happier. Give someone you love, or give yourself a wonderful gift: The Notebook of Happiness!

On the blog: https://www.caietulfericirii.antonetagales.ro are detailed articles for each theme in the notebook that will help us better understand the path to happiness.
You can order the Happiness Notebook directly from the author’s website: https://www.antonetagales.ro/shop/caietul-fericirii.html or from the Libris website: https://bit.ly/CaietulFericiriiLibris

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