Connecting with crystal energies
The healing power of crystals has been known for thousands of years in all regions of the globe. People have always been connected and fascinated by the beneficial energies of crystals and minerals, for amplification of personal powers and for opening doors to the psychic powers of the other planes of existence. Crystals can be used for example to connect with the ancestral memory of DNA on the level of the third existential plane.
We often feel attracted to stones or crystals that can help us at that stage of our lives, for mystical or physical reasons, or simply because they can help us in one way or another. What is noteworthy is that our hormones have a crystalline structure. The manner in which they are secreted and sent into the body is almost identical to the process of crystal growth.
Most of the stones we know and admire have gone through a long and magnificent journey before becoming our friends who help us heal or delight our eyes with the jewels we make from them. The age and beauty of crystals gives us serenity in the mystery of the world we live in.
Some stones are used in feng shui and for transmuting negative energies. Stones and crystals help us amplify our personal power without doing anything else, they know. When we want to heal, we don’t need outside help, we just have to order a cure.
Crystals heal and boost our energy when we wear them, like electrical equipment becoming functional in the presence of electricity. The mechanism by which stones work is that they use the electricity of our mind and body. When our vibration changes, we feel attracted to certain stones and crystals for our benefit. They say stone or crystal chooses us!
The power of crystals
There is a consciousness in everything that exists. Just as humans are endowed with a certain type of consciousness, so are inorganic life forms. In the first pan of our consciousness we learn to connect with rocks, precious stones, minerals, the air we breathe and the earth we tact on. It is beneficial for us to cultivate a relationship of respect and honor with planet Earth, which is an integral part of All-what-exists. We use stones and crystals in different situations, to heal ourselves, for inner peace, to eliminate stress.
Quartz: confers prosperity and abundance.
Pink quartz: used to heal the heart, amplifies love.
Smoky-quartz: protects us from negative energy, for centering and clarity.
Citrine: confers prosperity and abundance.
Jade: protects and heals, absorbs all negative energies, and when it fills to the brim with them it shatters. It should never be washed or kept by the spirits.
Malabit: it is used for protection, courage and for amplification of willpower. It crumbles when we’re in danger.
Moldavit: is the stone of transformations on all levels. Accelerate our power of manifestation. If you can’t cope with the overflowing rhythm of the modern world, avoid this stone.
Obsidian: provides protection against charms and negative thoughts.
Tiger’s Eye:The visionary stone helps us see the future, harmonizing the two cerebral hemispheres. A stone that helps us achieve our goals.
Black Onyx: heals and protects against negative energies. It helps the wearer dissolve any unwanted relationship.
Moonstone: attracts the soul mate, stimulates lucid dreams and psychic capacities, calming emotions.
Emerald: turns negative energy into positive energy and gives patience. It is one of the main stones that helps to center in the heart, conferring protection and healing.
Sodalite: leads us on the right path and helps us on our journey.
Topaz: amplifies intuition and transforms negative energy into positive energy.
Yellow topaz: it’s a magnet for money.
Turquoise: Blue turquoise heals and wards off arthritic pain.
Turmalin :Black turmalin purifies the body. It has the ability to amplify the energy of other burns. It gives inner peace.
Amethyst: stimulates clairvoyance and divine connection, amplifies common sense.
Aventurin: attracts adventure and helps us fulfill our dreams.
Agate: centering stone, gives balance emotionally, physically and mentally, and helps us overcome negativity, bitterness and inner anger.
Aquamarine: stimulates elimination and change, gives courage stimulating intuition and clairvoyance.
Carneol: gives courage, promotes positive choices in life, banishes apathy and motivates success in business and other activities.
Azurestone: activates telepathic capacity, awakening and amplifying psychic capabilities.
Jasp of Madagascar: all types of jasp have healing powers. The Jade of Madagascar, is a rare and beautiful stone, which is found only in one place in the world – Madagascar.
How do we purify the crystals? The most correct way to purify crystals is to place their purification command into the Creator’s plan of All-what-exists. We can charge them to sunlight or lunar light. Purification is also done by washing in sea salt water or directly in sea water, in a stream of running water, and sometimes it must be given with the help of a diapazon or bells. Choose what you resonate with!