The way we handle the garden says a lot about ourselves

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A garden that shapes us

feng shui garden
Image from Pixabay

A well-appointed and well-maintained garden, from the perspective of feng shui energy, brings new information on how we arrange our space around the house. Most of the time we realize that a garden shapes us. The imbalance in a space can be remedied by encouraging specific activities, such as contemplation or fun.

In addition to researching how the house is placed on a surface, taking into account the energy of Phoenix, Dragon, Tiger, Snake and Turtle, as well as the landscape around the house, how they relate to their own energy, we can make an assessment of how the elements of our gardens are arranged.

All this own research of our garden, helps us understand how our lives unfold, to make important decisions about areas that need support. For example, for those who find it difficult to carry out certain tasks can work with metal energy to increase its level in their outer space.

Introducing metal energy into a garden involves refining and reducing it to its essential state, as well as creating features based on this theme. A circle is an excellent figure when working with metal energy, with spiral shapes and colors, a true energetic pivot.

feng shui garden
Image from Pixabay

To add the transformative quality of the metal to the entire space, we need to create round kindergartens inside the large garden. Here we can have flowers scented with white and silver as predominant colors. It is beneficial to plant bushes with white flowers, plants with silvery leaves or round leaves.

Unity is the main theme in this case, with tasks that carry things out. Given this target, fences and walls should be repaired. Adding the five elements of feng shui (water, wood, fire, earth, metal) will help us correct imbalances and protect the garden.

As with the interior of a house,as does the garden, it requires us to ask ourselves, why we chose this space and what he says about us. The understanding we will gain from working with outer space can be very important in this respect. We can be very well trained to create good interiors, but it is a bigger challenge and a reward to match, to cultivate and understand the exterior.

10 steps to a good feng shui in the garden

feng shui garden
Image from Pixabay

For a good feng shui in the garden, apart from strategically placed alleys, furniture, shrubs and spiral trees, we must take into account the central point, where metal energy is predominant.

If we have a small string of trees in the garden in front of the house, should we cut them down? Without the trees what would be in front of the house? If they protect us from the traffic of an intersection or an electricity pole,it is good to think before we act. Not all trees in front of the house have a negative effect, but if we think about cutting them down, we’re probably ready to meet what’s headed for us, in case we cut them down.

Weeds in the garden are a real problem! How we can keep them under control? Gardeners would advise us to improve soil quality. In feng shui terms, that means improving the quality of life we have. Weeds can represent what we attract into our lives. We need to learn to stop their growth, rather than spend our whole lives ripping them off.

I have a lot of ivy in the garden. Blocking the energies? Uncontrolled ivy is a stagnant, impure energy, especially if it has also covered a few mature trees. It is good to arrange or cut it gradually, from the edges, then take care of the trees or the house. Ivy hides things and we will notice that when we start cutting it, problems can occur on the surface, so it is good to remove it gradually.

In the garden we have a patch of land on which have grown some weeds that look very cute. That’s why we’re tempted to keep them. Will they affect our energies in a negative way? No way. If they like us, we keep them. Weeds are part of life and have an important role to play. We must not let them grow uncontrollably in our garden.

Would it be a good idea to build a greenhouse in the garden? We’re checking which direction it’s facing. A greenhouse is the fire, especially the one with the sharp roof, so it is good to avoid positioning it to the south, because we will feed this fire. Fire represents fame, action, enlightenment, self-respect, public status. In this case, the location of the element fire (i.e. greenhouse), can make us become famous or on the contrary, we can learn that the rhythm of our lives becomes too alert.

feng shui garden
Image from Pixabay

Our garden is full of cats and wasps in summer. Why? Cats and wasps are attracted to negative energy. We’re trying to find rotting or ivy-covered trees. We check the walls for cracks or fallen plaster. We look at the grass so it doesn’t have muscle spots. If we find one of these defects, it’s good to call a consultant in feng shui. We can solve the problem, too, cleaning up the space and dumping the garbage.

The parents offered us some pieces of garden furniture, but they had some big problems recently. Let’s accept them? We have to follow our instincts. If we are afraid of energy, it is good to put furniture in an airy, open space, where it will be purified by elements. It’s not good to put it in a narrow place near the house.

You are excited about the idea of a cottage in the garden, with a hout of hanging plants and herbs. Or prefer something more formal? We can have a well-defined structure with a few well-groomed hanging plants. The combination of expansion and structure is very strong and beneficial (a mixture of Yin and Yang).

How can we create a very healthy garden using Feng Shui? The key to a healthy garden is balance. We aim that all five feng shui elements (water, wood, fire, earth, metal) are represented in the garden space, as well as the variety factor in the choice of plants and architectural details. It is good to try to obtain plants from seeds or to use shoots from the gardens of friends or neighbors to be successful.

The cat uses the back garden as a place to pee. This has a negative effect on the energy here? We need to look carefully at where our cat chooses to take a. Cats are attracted to areas that require attention. It’ll only be a matter of time before the neighbors’ cats start coming to this place. If this happens, a clean-up of the space is required.

Improve your life

feng shui garden
Image from Pixabay

Many people complain that they never have time to enjoy their homes or gardens. Often this problem occurs due to lack of fire energy (there are no places to have fun, where to laugh and feel good). If you are experiencing the same problem, it might be easier to deal with the garden first. You will attract the action and passion or signal to the universe that only when you have everything arranged will you take the time to drink a cup of coffee and analyze the seed catalog for next year.

Every man, every house or garden needs a spark. We remove the bushes that stretch to ground level and give in to the climbing roses. The alleys that meander have their role, but they will never incite action. Next time we choose plants, we look for some electrifying shapes and colors, with ascending dots and flame shapes.

A flash of red or orange, like a strip of scarlet, will boost the active potential of the garden and make us smile. It is good to create areas that catch our eye and hold our attention: to put potted bites along the wall. In winter, we can fill a well-positioned greenhouse with red flowering plants and paint the door frame to match. It is good to always keep a place in the garden for bushes that make berries and trees that remain alive thanks to birds in search of food, even in the coldest months.

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