Home Recipes 5 Recipes with zucchini

5 Recipes with zucchini

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The best recipes with zucchini

5 Recipes with zucchini
Image from Pixabay

It is the time of zucchini and I am sure that you also love all the dishes that are made from these wonderful vegetables. During this period we can consume them daily, both cooked and raw. In addition, zucchini flowers can also be eaten, they are a delicacy. Zucchini are easy to grow and care for, I tell you from my experience. When we prepare them immediately after picking them from the garden they are extremely tasty.

Zucchini are rich in vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, water and fiber. We can introduce them in broths, fry them, give them through flour with egg, along with a garlic sauce, we can experiment with a lot of recipes. It’s their season and let’s make the most of these wonderful vegetables. Both for vegetarians and for those who want to eliminate a few accumulated kilograms, zucchini are welcome. They have an extremely low caloric content, a high content of water and fiber, excellent in all types of diets. Let’s stop thinking and start cooking!

Creamy zucchini soup

5 Recipes with zucchini
Image from Pixabay

Zucchini cream soup contains many vitamins and is easy to prepare.

Ingredients: 1 zucchini, 2 potatoes, 4 cloves garlic, 4 carrots, 1 small celery, 3 onions, 1 kapia pepper, 200 ml of tomato juice, 150 ml of sour cream for cooking, salt, 1 piece of baguette bread.

Preparation: we clean all the vegetables, wash them, chop them into large pieces or put them whole, respectively the zucchini, potatoes, carrots, bell peppers, onions, celery and garlic cloves. We put them in a suitable pot, cover them with water, add the salt and let them simmer for about 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed we let them cool so that they can be passed.

Over the broth we add the tomato juice, then we mash everything very well with a blender. At the end we add the liquid cream and serve the zucchini cream with croutons made from the wand that we kept in the oven for 7-9 minutes (at 180 degrees C). Whoever wants can add lemon juice if you like a more sour taste. It is an easy recipe that is worth trying!

Salad of crudities in spaghetti style

5 Recipes with zucchini
Image from Pixabay

It is an excellent salad for any time of the day, especially on these hot days. It is tasty and savory.

Ingredients:1 yellow zucchini, 1 cucumber, 1 carrot, 1 raw beetroot, Parmesan, 1 egg yolk, 150 grams of Greek yogurt, salt, pepper, a few mint leaves, 2 teaspoons olive oil, 1 teaspoon pine seeds, 20 grams ham (optional), juice from one lemon, wholemeal cuttlefish.

Preparation: with the help of a vegetable slicer, we form spaghetti from zucchini, cucumber, carrot and uncooked beets. We put the strips of vegetables in a bowl, we add a slice of ham (optional), cut into long and thin slices, also in spaghetti style.

We form a dressing from: boiled egg yolk, a Greek yogurt, salt, pepper, finely chopped mint, lemon juice and olive oil. This dressing has a taste similar to mayonnaise. It can be added on top a little Parmesan cheese, pine seeds, mint leaves. The salad is served alongside strips of browned cuttlefish a little in the hot pan.

Bruschetta with tomatoes, zucchini, garlic and basil

5 Recipes with zucchini
Image from Pixabay

My favorite recipe! It’s an absolutely delicious snack!

Ingredients: 1 bun or baguette, 1 tomato, 150 grams zucchini, 2 cloves garlic, 1 onion, olive oil, salt, basil, pepper.

Preparation: we cut the bun or baguette in half and brown it nicely in the oven. We cut the tomato and onion into small cubes, then put them in a small bowl. We heat a pan in which we add a little oil, we add a piece of zucchini cut into small cubes together with the thinly sliced garlic. We brown the vegetables until they become a little crispy. We add the browned zucchini to the bowl with the tomato, we add the salt, pepper and the fresh basil, finely chopped. We mix the ingredients and add them over the browned slices. On top we sprinkle fresh basil.

Yellow and green zucchini with tomatoes and eggs in the pan

5 Recipes with zucchini
Image from Pixabay

A perfect day starts with a healthy breakfast! Delicious omelette or classic stitches, no matter what you choose, the inspiration comes from this simple recipe. Here’s what we need:

Ingredients: green and yellow zucchini, half an avocado, 1 slice of bread, 2 eggs, 50 grams of goat cheese, 1 tomato, 1 onion, olive oil, basil, salt.

Preparation: in a pan we add a little oil and we sauté the zucchini and onion. After they brown a little we add the chopped tomato to pieces, the goat cheese, avocado and the slice of bread cut into pieces. We cover with a lid for 4-5 minutes. We take the lid, we break the 2 eggs on top, we leave on the fire for 2 more minutes, until the egg white ends, then sprinkle salt and pepper on top. At the end we add fresh basil.

Meatballs with potatoes and zucchini

5 Recipes with zucchini
Image from Pixabay

Ingredients for 6 servings: 3 potatoes, 2 zucchini, 4 cloves of garlic, 1 onion, dill, thyme, parsley, 2 eggs, 180 grams of flour, 120 grams of breadcrumbs, salt, pepper.

preparation: we grate the potatoes and zucchini, sprinkle salt and pepper on top and mix the ingredients. We leave the mixture for 5 minutes because it leaves a juice, which we drain well with the help of a sieve. Over the squeezed vegetables we add the finely chopped onion, salt, pepper, thyme, 2 eggs, 4 crushed garlic cloves, dill and chopped parsley. We mix everything well and add the flour until the composition thickens and it becomes moldable. We form the meatballs of the right size, we give them through the breadcrumbs and put them in a tray over which we put baking paper. We give them in the oven for about 25-30 minutes at 180 degrees C. Enjoy!

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