Home Recipes Cheesecake with exotic fruits

Cheesecake with exotic fruits

Cheesecake with exotic fruits
Image from Pixabay

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Cheesecake recipe with exotic fruits

Cheesecake with exotic fruits
Image from Pixabay

This recipe for exotic fruit cheesecake is very refreshing after the rich holiday meals. The exotic fruits above attract the eyes and delight the taste buds at the same time.

Ingredients for 8 servings: 220 g coconut biscuits, 80 g butter, melted, 300 g cottage cheese, fat, 250 g mascarpone, 150 g sugar, juice and grated zest from 2 lemons, 150 ml coconut milk, 15 g gelatin, soaked in cold water, 4 pieces of passion fruit, 100 g apricot jam passed through the sieve, 1 sliced mango, coconut flakes for ornate, optional.

Preparation mode: butter grease a round, detachable shape, 20 cm. We grind the biscuits and mix them with the melted butter. Sprinkle the mixture in a layer at the base of the shape and cool. With the electric mixer, we mix the cottage cheese with the mascarpone, sugar and lemon zest.

Heat the coconut milk and lemon juice without boiling. Add the gelatin and stir until dissolved. Pour into the cheese mixture and homogenize. Pour over the biscuit base, level the surface and cool for 4 hours, until it closes.

To detach the cake, we pass the towel soaked in hot water around the shape and then open the flap. We pass with the knife underneath and transfer the cake to the serving platter. Mix the passion fruit with the apricot jam passed through the sieve and sprinkle the mixture on top. We can decorate with coconut flakes.

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