Home Health Dandelion in spring salad

Dandelion in spring salad

dandelion in spring salad
Image from Pixabay

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Dandelion, the unsuspected benefits of the plant

Dandelion in spring salad
Image from Pixabay

Dandelion grows spontaneously throughout Europe, in India, China, America, North Africa and Iran. Dandelion, it seems to be among the bitter herbs with which Jesus fed, at the Last Supper. In our country is one of the most common species, from the plain to the upper mountain area. Most of the time it invades alfalfa crops.

Dandelion, is a medicinal plant containing fats in the form of glycerides of stearic, palmitic, oleic, tannin, flobaphenoline, glucose, polyosis, volatile oil, antibiotic substances, protidic substances, tartaric acid, nitrogen salts, magnesium, calcium, phosphates, vitamins A and B, especially in roots and vitamin C, carotenoids, xanthophiles, flavon

For spring salad, it is recommended to choose the young leaves, harvested in early spring, before the formation of the floriferous stem. Instead, floriferous stems, from which children make their chainies, can cause poisoning if ingested by them. The first symptoms of intoxication are manifested by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and changes in heart rate. As a first aid measure it is recommended to produce vomiting, stomach washes, activated charcoal and drugs that stimulate cardiac activity.

How to use it

Dandelion in spring salad
Image from Pixabay

Dandelion is considered bitter tonic, aperitif, drenant and stimulant of hepato-biliary, decongestive and diuretic secretion. The plant has numerous therapeutic indications:

Internal. Use the whole plant with leaves and roots. The whole dry plant can also be used, using 50 g per 1 litre of water as an infusion (2 minutes), then left to rest for 10 minutes. Drink 3 cups a day before main meals.

These infusions have beneficial effects in chronic angiocolitis, liver congestion, liver failure, jaundice, renal and biliary lithiasis, hypercholesterolemia, dermatosis, eczema, acne, furunculosis. It is also recommended in gout, rheumatism, hypernitrogenemia, oliguria, renal failure, constipation and enterocolitis, circulatory disorders, hemorrhoids, cellulite and even in obesity.

External. It is good to include a few dandelion leaves in spring salads, along with lettuce (lettuce, lard). Fresh root juice is recommended in verucosis. Decoction of stems, leaves and floral cufflinks, is recommended against the opacification of the lens (10 g to 250 ml water).

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