Home Recipes Salad with radishes and lemon

Salad with radishes and lemon

Salad with radishes and lemon
Image from Pixabay

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Salad with radishes and lemon
Image from Wikimedia Commons

Ingredients for salad with radishes and lemon:

For the salad we prepare a daikon radish, peeled or a link of ordinary radishes, 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, a tablespoon chopped parsley, salt, pepper.

Slice very thin radishes. Prepare the sauce by mixing the olive oil and lemon juice. Place with salt and pepper, then add the parsley. Arrange the radish slices on a platter and add the sauce. Serve immediately.

Ridichea daikon

Salad with radishes and lemon
Image from Pixabay

Daikon radish is mainly used in Japanese cuisine. It’s also called white radish. It is very rich in vitamin C and B-group vitamins, having anti-inflammatory properties. Daikon radish contains potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, sulfur, phosphorus, selenium, and vegetable fibers, molybdenum, pectin, water.

Young daikon leaves are a rich source of calcium, betacarotene, vitamin C, K, PP, B1 and B2, protein, molybdenum, folic acid. Due to its high nutrient and antioxidant content, daikon white radish has sedative, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, laxative, depurative, antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Daikon radish is recommended in diets for weight loss, but it is also beneficial in the treatment of colds, flu, cough, respiratory virrhosis, due to antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory properties. Helps remove toxins from the body and protects the liver, preventing biliary lithiasis. Combats insomnia and regulates metabolism.

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