Home Beauty Spicy detox juice for perfect silhouette

Spicy detox juice for perfect silhouette

Spicy detox juice for perfect silhouette
Image from Pixabay

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I propose a detox juice for a beautiful silhouette as you wish. This detox juice is ideal for those who want a harmonious silhouette. Combine a proper diet with sports and breathing techniques for surprising results.

Ingredients for the perfect silhouette:

We need: 4 tomatoes, 2 celery stalks, 1/2 cucumber, a pinch of chillipowder, a drop of Tabasco sauce. Squeeze the vegetables, then season the juice with chilli powder and Tabasco sauce to taste.

Spicy detox juice for perfect silhouette
Image from Pixabay

This detox juice, is low in carbohydrates, which the body converts into sugars, being perfect for stabilizing energy levels and preventing blood sugar oscillations. Through its high water and potassium content, this juice is ideal for detoxifying the body,thus supporting the weight loss process.

Chilli powder and capsicin from Tabasco sauce stimulate circulation, accelerating the body’s metabolism and hastening detoxification and elimination of toxins. This juice is rich in protective betacarotene, vitamin C and zinc, which helps strengthen the immune system.

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