Home Lifestyle Energizing with Pomegranates

Energizing with Pomegranates

Energizing with Pomegranates
Image from Pixabay

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Pomegranates are recognized for their multiple benefits. Pomegranates are grown in our places, especially as ornamental shrubs, due to the abundant red flowers. The pomegranate shrub is cultivated in all Mediterranean regions. The pomegranate shrub is native to Persia and Mesopotamia and was introduced to Europe by the Carthaginians. In our country the pomegranate shrub resists well in winter. We can meet him especially in the south of the country: Bucharest, Dobrogea, Baile Herculane and Buziaş where he grows spontaneously.

Energizing with Pomegranates
Image from Pixabay

Rodia is widely used as a medicinal plant

In the past, pomegranate was used very much as a medicinal plant. It was used, bark on roots or branches, in the fight against intestinal parasites,acting in particular on the tapeworm (Tenia serrata), ascarids and ankylostoms.

In traditional Indian medicine, in addition to the use for tenifuge effects, it is still used as a febrifug, in leukorea and in transient haemorrhages. Also in traditional Indian medicine is to remember the use of crushed seeds mixed with milk for the dissolution of calculations and sand from the kidneys, especially in pregnant women suffering from this condition.

Floral buds of pomegranate, are used in gonorrhea, tricomonase, in chronic diarrhea, in dysentery (especially in children), in bronchitis, etc. In the form of fine powder or infusion, it is recommended in the treatment of intestinal parasites of the genus Stringylus, Strongyloides.

The bark of the pomegranate root, has antihelmitic action, due to the presence of alkaloids 1 – pelletierin, d – pelletierin, a derivative of tropionin called pseudo-pelletierin. The bark of the pomegranate root also contains elagic tannin, betulinic acid, frideline, betasitesterol, calcium oxalate, minerals.

Pomegranate fruits are sweet sour, refreshing and are mainly used in the preparation of sorbet, syrups and juices. Rodia contains sugars, citric acid, malic acid, Vitamin C, tannin. Fruits and pomegranate peel have no tenifuge properties, do not contain derivatives of pelletierin, which are contraindicated to those suffering from neuroses, in pregnant women and children.

Health benefits of pomegranate

Pomegranates are full of antioxidants. Contains 3 times more antioxidants compared to red wine or green tea. Along with polyphenols and bioflavonoids help strengthen the immune system. These nutrients also strengthen collagen in the skin and capillaries, helping to fight cellulite.

Rodia contains, minerals, vitamins and 15 amino acids, very beneficial to our body.

In the composition of pomegranate we encounter minerals such as: Iodine, Iron, Potassium, Silicium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Manganese, Copper, Sulf, Chromium, Aluminum, Lithium, Nickel. A single glass of pomegranate juice can provide 40% of the daily vitamin requirement (A, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, E and P).

Energizing with Pomegranates
Image from Pixabay

Pomegranates contain a significant amount of fiber, which helps the proper functioning of the digestive system. The consumption of pomegranate promotes detoxification of the body, relieves constipation, being very often found in diets for weight loss (due to antioxidants).

Pomegranates help regulate blood sugar levels and increase insulin sensitivity, reducing the risk of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. Maintains the flexibility of arteries and blood vessels, reducing atherosclerosis, the main cause of heart disease. Protects the kidneys from dangerous toxins and acts on the liver having a regenerative effect.

Regular consumption of pomegranates strengthens the immune system, ensuring increased resistance of the body against infections. Pomegranate juice, potentiates the cancellation of free radicals in the body, inhibiting the growth and development of cancer cells. It is also very effective in the fight against breast cancer (blocks aromatase, the enzyme that converts androgens to estrogen, the hormone that participates in the development of breast cancer).

Pomegranate juice maintains cellular youth and is a natural aphrodisiac. In the white core and pips is found the largest amount of nutrients. These neutralize harmful molecules in our cells, working at the DNA level and preventing cell aging. Pomegranate juice is also effective for increasing testosterone levels (the main male hormone).

Energizing juice with pomegranates

Energizing with Pomegranates
Image from Pixabay

This juice is an excellent energizer, thanks to the natural sugars of pomegranate, grapes and apple. Yogurt provides protein, which together with flaxseeds helps to stabilize blood sugar.


1 pomegranate, with seeds and pulp, 125 g pitted red grapes, 1 apple, 5 tablespoons yogurt, 1 teaspoon antioxidant powder of berries (optional), 1 teaspoon ground flax seeds.

Squeeze the fruit, then pour the juice into a blender along with the rest of the ingredients and stir until smooth.

A portion of pomegranate juice contains: calories – 213 kcal, protein – 4.2 g, carbohydrates – 47.6 g (of which 44 g sugars), fats – 2 g.

Try this wonderful juice, full of antioxidants and you will have a strong immune system. Anyone who wants a healthy complexion should try this pomegranate juice. Contains nutrients that strengthen collagen in the skin and capillaries, also helping to fight cellulite.

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