Home Feng-Shui Is money the answer to the problems you face?

Is money the answer to the problems you face?

Sunt banii răspunsul la problemele cu care vă confruntați? Unde greșim și cum putem avea prosperitateSunt banii răspunsul la problemele cu care vă confruntați? Unde greșim și cum putem avea prosperitate
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Fears and concerns about money

Is money the answer to the problems you face? Where are we wrong and how can we have prosperityThe answer to the problems you face? Where we go wrong and how we can have prosperity
Image from Pixabay

Does the fear of poverty affect your relationship with money? It is based on the fear of not having. This fear, however, urges you to spend even more, even what you do not have (through loans). How many of us fill the refrigerator, on the principle of “let it be or will be expensive, etc. How many of us do not run after discounts for fear of losing them or throwing away the defective, worn out things that we no longer use. Nostalgia, lack of information, inaction? What many do not know is that all these actions that we do out of automatism can block our prosperity. Money is energy, and our way of thinking can block or open up this flow of prosperity.

Have you probably wondered many times or realized that these limiting beliefs have deep roots in our family tree? Many of our parents and grandparents lived in difficult times and we inherited their fears like: “I could go hungry”, “I could lose my job and not find another new one”, “I could lose my house, my car, my loved ones”, etc. Most of us accept these limiting beliefs and say, “Yes, that’s right.”

Change the image in your mind

Is money the answer to the problems you face? Where are we wrong and how can we have prosperityThe answer to the problems you face? Where we go wrong and how we can have prosperity
Image from Pixabay

Money is not an answer to the problems we face, although most people believe that if they had a lot of money, they would not have any kind of problem or worries. There are extremely rich people who are not happy at all, because money is not the real answer. There are much deeper things most of the time that prevent us from having prosperity in our lives.

Modify the image in your mind by giving up repeating these limiting beliefs. You can make a list of your parents’ beliefs about money. Ask yourself the question if you are still willing to accept or if you still resonate with these beliefs at the moment. Our lives are not like those of our parents, and it is good to let go of these outdated beliefs.

The use of daily statements is very important. It is absolutely normal and natural for people to have more money at certain times in their lives and less in others. It is good to have confidence in the inner strength, in order to pass much easier through difficult times from a financial point of view, knowing that better times will come. You can also read the article “Statements for an overflowing optimism.”

Do the same

Is money the answer to the problems you face? Where are we wrong and how can we have prosperityThe answer to the problems you face? Where we go wrong and how we can have prosperity
Image from Pixabay

There is abundance in this world for each of us. The thoughts we cultivate may or may not bring us to infinite abundance. What if you assumed that there is more money than you could ever spend, more people than you could ever know, and more happiness than you could ever imagine, then surely you would enjoy everything you want according to your heart’s content.

Be grateful for what you have. There are times when the Universe gives us a lot, in one form or another, and when we cannot give back everything we receive. Let us be grateful for all that we receive from the Universe. There will come a time when we will be able to help someone else, maybe not necessarily with money. Perhaps we can give someone of our time, of our compassion. Many times we do not realize that these gifts are even more valuable than those in money. A simple thank you or a smile, can do wonders for a person who needs encouragement.

The power within you can give you everything you want, ask God to give you the best that can be best for you. Any situation that arises in life, is for our own good, not to rush to reject it, to open ourselves to the good and say “Yes” to the world in which we live. In this way the opportunities and prosperity in our lives will be amplified indefinitely. We are waiting for you in our private group: Reiki Harmony & Prosperity

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