Home Lifestyle Motivational interview with Angela Iordache

Motivational interview with Angela Iordache

Motivational interview with Magda Anistoroae and Angela Iordache

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What does the perfect life mean to you?

An exceptional interview with Angela Iordache! Hi Angela, we’re glad you accepted our invitation and please tell us what the perfect life means to you? First of all, let me introduce Angela Iordache. On a personal level is the daughter, wife and mother of a wonderful little girl. She is a successful coach, passionate about self-knowledge, personal development, spiritual development, evolution and all that means a consciously balanced life with inner harmony. Angela is in continuous learning and openness to knowledge.

Motivational interview with Magda Anistoroae and Angela Iordache
Image from armoniesiechilibru.com

Angela Iordache has created successful programs for women who want to live a harmonious life and develop, has written books and audiobooks that bring us awareness and clarity in our lives. I highly recommend the books: “Rainbow of Harmonious Life – Secrets of a Balanced Living“,“Practical Guide to Retrieving Inner Peace“, individual and group coaching programs, all for personal development and a balanced life.

How do you think of perfection?

For me “perfect life” means life in which I feel physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It means a life lived consciously with common sense, a life in which I make my contribution to the world, a life in which I care about myself and those around me.

How much do you care how you live your life and what you leave behind?

I know people who have tremendous potential, but who don’t get to achieve their goals because of the lifestyle they have. In fact, we all have great potential, but it’s up to us how we use it.

Very often we put our hope in something external, and we accumulate information but we don’t apply that information and nothing happens, we don’t lose weight, we don’t have better relationships, we’re not healthier, etc.

Motivational interview with Magda Anistoroae and Angela Iordache
Image from armoniesiechilibru.com

This is because we don’t have the faith that we can, it happens when we’re not persistent, when we don’t have patience and we want quick results and when we don’t know each other well enough, and when we don’t have support.

I know what it’s like, I’ve been through these states many times. My secret is that I have not given up and I have realized that I am 100% responsible for my life, that I have my way and regardless of external factors I choose what is best for me at that time.

It is my duty to create the life I want.

The journey to inner harmony and health involves simple things, as I said before, probably not always easy, but it is up to us to discover this path of ours through self-knowledge, discovering our potential and healthy habits.

Motivational interview with Magda Anistoroae and Angela Iordache
Image from armoniesiechilibru.com

I know I may be pushy sometimes, but I know how good it feels when you’re in harmony with yourself. And I also know how much it matters when you’re lost knowing that you have the power to start over based on self-knowledge and certain people who know this path and are there for you.

Our lives depend a lot on us

I know it’s hard to take responsibility, work with yourself, make excuses and decide from the point of view of your truth. But believe me it’s the only way you can say you’re really alive. This way you will be a role model for your child and those around you.

Stop procrastinating to change things that don’t work in your life, time passes and regrets arise. Change is not easy and often takes time. It takes time, energy, effort, but nothing compares to that sense of reconciliation and contentment that you lived according to your truth.

Don’t put your happiness behind others, neither your children, nor your partner, nor your parents are responsible for your happiness!

Motivational interview with Magda Anistoroae and Angela Iordache
Image from armoniesiechilibru.com

Only you can bring thanks to your soul

I felt like writing a few lines about it, because I see how we lie many times, how we apologize and how we let time pass in the hope that our life will change by itself. I’m sorry to tell you, but that’s not going to happen.

Everything is a process and it’s up to us what we do, what choices and decisions we make

Think about it now, in this moment you want to change, take a small step every day and be patient to see the results. It takes perseverance and patience to change habits, thoughts,behaviors. But it is not impossible and happiness does not delay to appear if you choose to follow your inner truth.

That’s the only way you’re going to get the perfect life! Lovely

Thank you Angela Iordache for this motivational interview! We are waiting for you on another occasion, with a new interview, with new information and valuable advice for all of us to come to be in harmony with ourselves. A wonderful day in harmony with ourselves!

Motivational interview with Magda Anistoroae and Angela Iordache
Image from armoniesiechilibru.com
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