Home Feng-Shui The 5 Reiki Spiritual Principles

The 5 Reiki Spiritual Principles

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The secret of achieving happiness

The Reiki system brings into the lives of those who practice it, balance harmony and prosperity. The 5 Reiki spiritual principles are simple guidelines that lead us to a perfect life. It is up to us how persevering we are and how much we respect these perceptions within the reiki practice. Those who practice meditation daily and follow the principles of Reiki, can better focus on this energy. This is the secret to attaining happiness through many blessings, the spiritual remedy of all diseases.

Usui created these principles that bring wonderful benefits, namely happiness and freedom from mental, bodily and spiritual suffering. Every morning and evening bring your hands to the Gassho position and spend a few minutes in meditation, focusing on the five principles: do not get angry, do not worry, be humble, be honest in what you do and show compassion towards yourself and others. Focus on this ritual and recite it to perfect your mind and body.

Reiki harmony of life
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Meditation on the five Reiki principles confers great benefits. Preferably this meditation can be done in the Japanese Posture Seiza, with his hands in the Gassho position. For those who find the Seiza position difficult, they can also apply other meditation postures, such as sitting on a chair with a backrest or crossed legs on the ground. The only thing you should not forget about is to join hands in the Gassho position.

The 5 Reiki Spiritual Principles

Don’t get annoyed. Apply this principle today. First of all, in order to meditate on this principle, we must understand the nature of anger. During meditation, painful memories will come to the surface from the time when we lost our temper or when someone else got angry with us and the body felt tense under the impact of anger. Anger tends to occur when we have lost control of a person or a situation.

Reiki harmony of life

When we get angry at another person we feel that we are regaining control of them, which is a misperception. In reality we are losing control of ourselves. Notice your anger as it manifests itself and you will find that it reflects a personal aspect that deserves your attention and not so much a flaw of the person you are off. The people we attract into our lives act like mirrors.

Let us try to look carefully at those who irritate us, because they reflect certain personal aspects that we are not aware of or do not take into account. It is good to be our own observer before we follow the anger, then we will probably understand that we have no reason to get angry.

Don’t worry. Apply meditation daily and practice breathing exercises. Worry tends to be a quasi-permanent state of mind. Many people are vulnerable, afraid and worry about everything, they see only dark clouds no matter how much the sun shines in the sky. Worries generate unnecessary stress, and most of the time we confuse their expression towards someone else with our interest in him. When we show care for someone, we do not manifest love but our inner fear, oriented towards the other.

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When we worry, we are not living in the present, but we are projecting ourselves into the future and fearing that that will happen. It may not happen, or we may schedule the care we show to happen. These worries do nothing but waste our time and energy, all this leading to disharmony and imbalance in the physical body.

It is good to analyze the situation as a whole and not to lose faith by worrying about the future. We cannot be in control to protect ourselves from pain, but we can let things unfold naturally, to bring us new experiences, above all that we can imagine at the moment.

Caring and fearing for tomorrow, for abundance, for the fact that we have to fight hard for everything we have, is a waste of time and energy. The best advice is to detach yourself and ask the Universe to help you trust by giving you what you asked for.

The 5 Reiki Spiritual Principles
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Be humble. Humility and humility have come to take on negative connotations in many places. A humble man is considered, gentle modest and a person who puts others above himself. Some associate humility with humility and poverty, lack of privilege, or servitude. We live in a society where only those who realize themselves at the expense of others are valued above all else, and hardly those who put themselves in the service of their fellow human beings.

Many times we prefer not to associate in any way with humility, which we equate to failure or failure. Yet the lives of spiritual leaders, great philosophers and scientists, all those who work for the supreme good of humanity, is lived in humility, and this grace makes them shine with such power.

The essence of humility is gratitude, for the life that has been given to you, with all that it contains and for the opportunity to live another day. Gratitude to the Universe, for the good and less good things, for the people in our lives, gives us a state of inner peace that will attract abundance in our lives.

The 5 Reiki Spiritual Principles
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Be honest in what you do. First of all, this principle requires us to be honest with ourselves. Practicing Reiki daily, we will experience extraordinary revelations in all areas of everyday life. A practical method of working with honesty is working with the mirror. Let’s look at ourselves in the mirror and say out loud something that we admire about ourselves. For example: “I deserve to be loved”. We observe how we feel and if there is any discomfort when we utter these words, to be honest with ourselves, to accept what we feel and to change our attitude if necessary.

Show compassion to yourself. When practicing breathing exercises and meditation, we also apply the principle of compassion towards ourselves and others. When we love, forgive, and accept ourselves, it is much easier for us to show compassion for other people.

The 5 Reiki Spiritual Principles
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Many times it is difficult for us to love ourselves, because there are so many aspects that we dislike about ourselves, don’t we? The essence of the state of compassion are: acceptance and forgiveness of all these aspects that we consider imperfect. It is good to value the contribution that other people make to our lives and to show compassion for them. Even those who make us in trouble, who irritate us or who are a source of worry, deserve our compassion.

As we meditate we repeat a statement of compassion: “The universe always supports and protects me.” Let’s think about what we want to change in our lives, make a deep introspection and discover the beliefs that prevent us from making the desired changes. We write down on a piece of paper the statements that can free us from these beliefs.

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