Home Lifestyle Interview with Raluca Maria Georgescu, personal trainer and nutritionist

Interview with Raluca Maria Georgescu, personal trainer and nutritionist

Raluca Geogescu

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Interview with Raluca Maria Georgescu

Interview with Magda Anistoroae and Raluca GeorgescuMagda: Hi Raluca, we are glad that you accepted our invitation and please answer a few questions about your healthy lifestyle and your projects. We all want to grow up, to have a conscious career that ensures our much-desired lifestyle. However, sometimes we get stuck, sometimes we cap ourselves, sometimes we don’t know what to start with, and we move away from change and progress. It’s important what we do every day to get the perfect life we all want.

Perfect life means health and harmony, both with ourselves and with those around us. To reach this wonderful state we need to act, make plans and please tell us your recipe, how do you see the harmonious life we all strive for?

Interview with Magda Anistoroae and Raluca Georgescu Raluca:I want you to keep in mind that my method does not contain miracle recipes, but real, effective things that I have validated over time both myself and the world’s top scientists and coaches and that anyone can apply immediately.

We realized that absolutely all of us can go through moments when we no longer recognize each other. We all have moments of falling, we get to the bottom of the bag and we say “I can’t do it anymore.” I realized that I’m not the only one who’s in trouble, that we’re all going through them and that there are solutions. There was a time when I lost faith in myself, in my experience, in everything I am and what I can offer people. Then came the time to rebuild and understand that each personal story contains gold for another at a similar stage.

Interview with Magda Anistoroae and Raluca Georgescu Magda:Raluca, you’ve done performance sport, you’re national champion of Body Fitness, ASE graduate, entrepreneur, painter, fitness trainer and nutritionist. You attended Chek – Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology. In 2019 you fulfilled a beautiful dream: your own painting workshop, while also attending the Faculty of Sacred Art in Theology. All the while you’re training clients in the gym to help them get a new posture. You’re an example to all of us, an inspiring man.

Can you show us the steps we need to start with to achieve our health goal and find more inner energy? Do you think that a healthy slimming occurs over time or are there wonder recipes? You’ve created various programs for a healthy life, the community: “Listen to your body” and “Restart your weight loss and self-love in 3 simple steps” and you’ve achieved enormous success. Tell us a little bit about how we take our first steps to adjust our diet and movement in our lives.

Interview with Magda Anistoroae and Raluca Georgescu Raluca:My mission is to restore self-confidence to as many women as possible through fitness done from where they are now, at their zero moment. The first step is to see the priorities in our lives and put ourselves in the place we deserve, that is: first. If you’re not well, you don’t have energy for the others either.

The Internet gives us this wonderful opportunity to cross every border. We have created special programs to help as many women as possible reach the desired form through fitness and proper nutrition. I suggest that all women be gentle with them, not judge themselves, and be more self-confident. The will tank is charged with every attempt we make, until we kick out and cross the threshold. When we reach the hot spot, the action will be easy to incorporate.

Interview with Magda Anistoroae and Raluca Georgescu Magda:I know the first thing you suggest to clients is to write down in their agenda, a pillar to which they feel vulnerable and what improvements they will have after your programs follow. An example is the food style, the various temptations or the emotional hunger. Besides eating you propose a series of exercise and positive thinking. You have added to this wonderful program, prayer, which we know that highs us, gives us clarity and a lot of love. Who are your mentors and tell us about the four important pillars that lead us to well-being.

Interview with Magda Anistoroae and Raluca Georgescu Raluca:I was inspired by Paul Chek, who created a very efficient holistic system of self-regulation. He goes on the thought that we have four doctors inside of us that, if we listen and make the necessary changes, we will be in the shape of our lives both mentally, physically and soulfully. His four doctors are: Dr. Diet, Dr. Happiness, Dr. Movement and Dr. Rest.

The foundation towards achieving our goal is these four pillars: happiness, nutrition, rest,introspection and movement. The more we take simple and concrete actions, the easier it will be for us to change our way of life. When we adjust these pillars we get a beautiful body, a clear mind, more energy and more focus on the important things that really matter to us.

Each of us has a stake, a goal that when we discover it automatically brings us happiness and fulfillment. Whether we want to eliminate the extra pounds, have memorable relationships with others, go on trips, they all motivate us to act. It is good to have a meal schedule, eliminate addictions and have as long a mastication as possible, to benefit digestion.

Rest and introspection are very important. It is good to respect the hours of sleep (22-23) and to include every day meditation, prayer, so we will give priority in our lives. Work-in and work-out movement, it generates our inner energy, it releases tension in our body, it helps us increase metabolism and burn calories even 72 hours after the workout session.

Interview with Magda Anistoroae and Raluca Georgescu Magda:Let’s recap a little bit and better understand what it means to eliminate unwanted pounds for a perfect silhouette. Balanced nutrition, movement,connection with nature, meditation, rest, are the pillars that it is good to follow and include in our lifestyle. How do we make the right food combinations, can you give us some details?

Interview with Magda Anistoroae and Raluca Georgescu Raluca: A healthy slimming happens over time, and a good and healthy rhythm is to lose between 0.5 – 1 kg of fat per week. Let us log down all the steps that lead us to reconnect with ourselves, with the joy of living healthy. Let’s start with 5 minutes, then 10 minutes a day of physical movement. Then we gradually increase them. Long walks in nature bring us the most benefits.

The next step is related to rest and nutrition. Sleep brings many healthbenefits – it regenerates us. The food plan is good to be simple and you can customize it as you please:

  1. Breakfast: Protein + complex carbohydrates
  2. Snack: 1:1 handful of raw oilseeds
  3. Lunch: Protein + vegetables + healthy fats
  4. Snack: 2:1 fruit or 1 yogurt
  5. Dinner:Protein + vegetables

Protein foods: yogurt, meat, fish, cheese, eggs, lentils, peas, chickpeas, etc.
Complex carbohydrates: whole grains, wholemeal bread, brown rice, etc.
Oilseeds (healthy fats): hazelnuts, almonds, nuts, pumpkinseeds, cashews, etc.
Other healthy fats: virgin, cold-pressed oils, avocados, olives, ocean fish (contains healthy proteins and fats), flaxseed,etc.

Vegetables can be eaten raw, lightly cooked by steaming, sautéing or in the oven. Protein foods can be cooked by steaming, sautéing or in the oven. We avoid fried and ultra-processed foods. Let’s serve the meal in peace and be careful about chewing. Let us bless food, let us say a prayer, let us thank in thought that the food we are about to eat will nourish our every cell, and every mouthful will bring us closer to our goal will fill us with health.

Interview with Magda Anistoroae and Raluca Georgescu Magda: Thank you very much Raluca for your interview. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do and wish you every success. We’re waiting for you with news about you and your programs. Until then you can find Raluca using the links below:


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