Home Lifestyle Escoffier’s Disciples French Institute in Romania

Escoffier’s Disciples French Institute in Romania

Escoffier's Disciples French Institute in Romania

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World-class chefs

Mr. Stephane Oprea,President for Romania of the Disciples Escoffier Association, owner of restaurants both in Romania and in France, was kind enough to give us some details about the training of professional chefs at international level, in Romania. Mr. Oprea in collaboration with the Disciples Escoffier Culinary Institute prepares professional chefs to carry on the quality and refinement of French gastronomy.

Mr. Oprea told us: We are trying to promote romanian gastronomy and a better communication between chefs. The diplomas obtained give recognition, but the skill will also be demonstrated in the kitchen. When you put passion into what you do, everything comes out perfectly, and “good food is the basis of true happiness,” as Master Auguste Ecoffier said.

Escoffier's Disciples French Institute in Romania
Image from disciplesescoffier.ro

The trainees prepare on the basis of study programs created at the French Institute Ecoffier. The courses take place in generous spaces where future chefs benefit from all the necessary equipment to carry out the activity. Bilancia, the distributor of equipment and accessories for the hospitality industry, together with the retailer Selgros Brasov, have made a partnership with the Disciples Escoffier Culinary Institute, under the coordination of Mr. Stephane Oprea. The presence of the prestigious Escoffier school in Romania places us among the renowned countries, where the presence of the famous Michelin stars gives the quality and originality of the culinary preparations.

How much does it cost to become an internationally renowned chef?

Disciples Escoffier has delegations to 26 countries with more than 25,000 disciples in: France,Great Britain, Germany, Italy,Spain, Switzerland, Asia with the 9 delegations: China,Hong Kong, Macau, South Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Japan,Thailand and Singapore.

The courses are organized on several levels, with a total duration of 600 hours. The trainees benefit from a professional training in the French culinary art, under the coordination of the renowned Chef Ciprian Nicolescu, with experience in the development of Michelin-starred restaurants. The courses are addressed to all culinary art enthusiasts, who want to work and build a career in a professional kitchen, for those who already work in the field and want to deepen more knowledge in the field of gastronomy, as well as those who own a business in the field for a better management of a restaurant.

Level I Basic – is addressed to all those who want to discover the secrets of the French culinary art and the way of working in a professional kitchen. The courses are interactive and the way of teaching is based on demonstration, practice and theory. Level I Basic has the price of 1470 Euro (there are also very attractive discounts).

Intermediate Level II – you will begin to build and master the fundamental techniques taken at level I. You will experience advanced and modern cooking methods (sous – vide) and Escoffier techniques for the preparation of traditional French recipes, based on the diversity of france’s culinary heritage in regions such as Rhone-Alpes, Ile de France, Aquitaine, Alsace, Normandy, as well as contemporary dishes inspired by Michelin-starred Chefs. Intermediate Tier II is priced at 3500 Euro (with discount at the time of publication of the article).

Advanced Level III – is for students who have graduated from level I and II, and experienced cooks. At level III, working with the valuable products of French cuisine (foie gras, caviar, truffle), different cooking techniques and aesthetics on the plate as well as creating menus in a restaurant are taught. The price of this level is 5000 Euro (there are also discounts). The diplomas are internationally recognized by the French Ministry of Education.

It may seem like a lot thinking about the income in our country, but it is an investment that is worth all the money. Mr. Stephane Oprea told us that he wants to create a well-trained and skilled workforce that will take Romania among the renowned countries at the gastronomic level: “we need a school capable of training chefs at the highest standards.”

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Stephane Oprea & Martin Berasategui

For the training and improvement of Romanian chefs, but also of the need for qualified staff for restaurants in Romania, the renowned Disciples Escoffier Institute has signed a partnership with Chef Martin Berasatequi – Spain, owner of 12 Michelin stars. Graduates of the Grand Ecole Escoffier have the opportunity to perform an internship of 6 months in Michelin restaurants. Partner Vitali Neofit 1 Michelin star.

The trainees have at their disposal a professional kitchen equipped with the necessary equipment and machinery for the preparation of culinary products at the highest level. The curriculum is inspired by the tradition and basic values of French gastronomy based on the famous book “Le Guide Culinaire” written by Auguste Escoffier, considered the “Bible” of French cuisine.

Escoffier's Disciples French Institute in Romania
Image from disciplesescoffier.ro

The Escoffier Disciple Culinary Institute, through its network developed in 35 countries, with over 30,000 Disciples, offers students the opportunity to continue their careers in the most famous restaurants of international stats. Disciples can recommend students to the most famous restaurants among the 35 member countries. It is worth pointing out that diplomas are not so easily obtained. Attendance at courses is very important! Mr. Oprea told us: the idea is to come here to learn something, that’s why you give a sum of money, and we strive to offer raw materials and high-quality equipment, in order to work at the best professional level.

Professional Diploma in Culinary Arts

Basic level course (240 hours), addressed to all beginners in the culinary art and who want to accumulate knowledge in the culinary field. In this module, students participate in an internship in partner locations, hotels and restaurants. Here it is experimented how to work in the professional kitchens of restaurants and hotels. The “Culinary Arts Fundamentals” chef’s diploma, awarded by the Ministry of Labor and I.C. Disciples Escoffier, can bring you the job you dreamed of.

Intermediate level course (180 hours), through cumulative practice, where the mastery of the fundamental techniques covered by the basic level is learned, deepening the international culinary art. The diploma is internationally recognized in the culinary field: “Advanced Culinary Art”.

Escoffier's Disciples French Institute in Romania
Image from Pixabay

Advanced level course (180 hours) is addressed to students who have graduated from level I and II or to chefs with long experience, where they will obtain an internationally recognized diploma awarded by the Ministry of Education in France: “Professional Diploma in Culinary Arts”.

The intensive course (540 hours) with a duration of 6 months, is addressed for both Romanian and foreign students. This course is addressed to people who want to perform in the art of gastronomy. The diploma issued by the Ministry of French Education, offers the opportunity to experience how the activity is carried out in the professional kitchens of Michelin-starred restaurants, having the opportunity to find a job in the respective locations.

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