Chili pepper contains vitamin C

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Chili pepper, exciting digestive

Chili pepper contains vitamin C
Image from Pixabay

Chili pepper is grown in Romania on about 15,000 ha. Chili pepper is recognized as the vegetable with the highest vitamin Ccontent. Chili pepper is native to South and Central America, remembered even by Christopher Columbus’s doctor, Chanca, during the second expedition of 1494, which shows that, under the name Of Agi, it was used by the indigenous peoples of Hiapaniola.

Chili pepper was brought to Europe at the beginning of the 16th century and described in great depth by Clusius in 1584 as one of the most important vegetables and also with great variability. The most important varieties are: doughnut, bell pepper, long pepper, cherry pepper, cayenne chilli.

After another classification the bell pepper, the doughnut and the long pepper would enter the Microcarpum subspecies. The most important from a medical point of view is chilli, knowing that Szent Gyorgy was rewarded with a Nobel Prize for obtaining vitamin Cfor the first time – just from chilli.

Chili pepper, the main constituents

Chili pepper contains vitamin C
Image from Pixabay

Chili pepper has a low protein and hydrocarbon content. Vitamin C content is remarkable, about 150 mg% and vitamin A, B1, B2. Chili pepper contains an irritating, revulsive substance called capsicin.

Pepper contains carbohydrates, depending on variety or variety, glucose, fructose, sucrose, starch, as well as hemicellulose, pectic substances, cellulose in green fruits and dried fruit.

Pepper also contains lipids and carotenoids, as well as small amounts of volatile oil. Contains small amounts of sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron, and among the microelements are present Mn, Cu, Co. The content in vitamin C, it seems to be the highest compared to any plant, or fruit, about 150 mg%. Vitamin B1, B2 and vitamin A are present.

Chili pepper, therapeutic recommendations

Chili pepper contains vitamin C
Image from Pixabay

Internal. Chili pepper is recommended for people who want to get rid of the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Chilli tincture is recommended in dealcoholization belts.

For the dealcoholization cure, prepare a tincture of 20 g peppers macerated 7-8 days in 100 ml alcohol, used as follows: 1-30 drops in a bitter tea (e.g. stone lichen, artichoke, Hungarian, schinel, target), taken in place of alcoholic beverages.

In addition to the vitaminising properties common to all varieties of peppers, the other uses are due to the irritating properties of chilli peppers. It is a digestive arousal, useful in atoneal dyspepsia, but the reverse is contraindication for gastritis, ulcers, hemorrhoids, digestive states and conditions that it worsens.

External. Due to its irritating properties, it is revulsive and ruberfiant, being recommended in lumbago, rheumatic algae, muscle cramps, sprains. Also by the stimulant effect is recommended in the fatigue of the vocal cords and in the angina.

Pepper is consumed as such, in salads or various dishes. The decoction of 1-2 peppers per 100 ml of water, is gargled for the fatigue of the vocal cords. Against angina, apply on the neck with chopped and heated chillies.

Cosmetics. Chilli tincture is a very energetic capillary tonic. By the revulsive effect, blood circulation in the capillary area is stimulated, causing better irrigation, increased trophicity at the root of the hair.

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