3 recipes with delicious pumpkin

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Excellent pumpkin appetizer or dessert

Pumpkin is excellent if eaten raw or in different appetizers or desserts. Poor in fat and with a very low caloric content, pumpkins are an excellent source of vitamins. Here they are disguised in three recipes with late autumn flavor and medieval holiday iz. I propose three unique pumpkin recipes, which can be tried by lacto-vegetarianpeople.

Pasta with pumpkin

3 recipes with delicious pumpkin
Image from Pixabay

Here’s the way pumpkin isn’t just made in the traditional pie. It turns out delicious and in combination with pasta and cheese.

Ingredients for 4 servings: 2 puppies garlic, crushed, 4 tablespoons olive oil, 4 slices mozzarella (150 g), 2 tablespoons butter (50 g), 6 sage leaves, 1 lemon, 1/2 kg pumpkin, 1 packet of pasta (penne, fusilli, or any other pasta you want, of your choice), 4 tablespoons grated parmesan, salt and pepper.

How to prepare pumpkin pasta:

  • Heat the garlic in a saucepan with a tablespoon of oil, then set aside to cool. We then put it in a blender together with Mozzarela, a tablespoon of butter, 2 sage leaves, grated zest and lemon juice. Place with salt and pepper and stir until a homogeneous paste is obtained.
  • We heat the oven in the fifth step (200 degrees Celsius). Pour the remaining oil into a tray and put it in the oven for 5 minutes. In the meantime, we clean the pumpkin, remove the seeds and cut the pulp into cubes. Put the pumpkin in hot oil and season with salt and pepper. Bake the pumpkin for 30 minutes, turning it on all sides.
  • We boil the pasta according to the instructions on the package. Melt the remaining butter in another saucepan, drain the pasta and put them over the butter over a low heat. Add the pumpkin and parmesan, stirring gently. Put the Mozzarella mixture over all the ingredients. We’ll leave two more minutes on the fire. We place the pasta on the plate and decorate it with a sage leaf.

Spicy Sicilian-style pumpkin

3 recipes with delicious pumpkin
Image from Pixabay

In Sicily, this preparation is part of a more consistent appetizer, which contains vegetables and meat. It is also an excellent garnish for any type of grilled steak.

Ingredients for 4 servings: 1 kg pumpkin cut thin slices, 5 tablespoons olive oil, 1 whole garlic clove, peeled, 1 tablespoon tos sugar, a cinnamon powder, 1 glass wine vinegar (200 ml), a handful mint leaves, salt, pepper.

How to prepare spicy Sicilian-style pumpkin

  • Heat the oil in a deep saucepan and heat the pumpkin together with the garlic for about 3 minutes (after it has warmed we can remove the garlic). We’re putting the saucepan away.
  • Mix the pumpkin slices with the sugar and cinnamon, then add the garlic, mint and a little pepper. Cover with a lid and leave to infuse for at least 15 minutes before serving.

Post pie with pumpkin

3 recipes with delicious pumpkin
Image from Pixabay

Pumpkin pie is one of the most popular recipes. Its unmistakable aroma brings us to the gentle autumn spent with the grandparents. We also know from grandparents that we can also use pumpkin seedsto treat various health problems.

Ingredients for sheets: (Recipe 1)300 g flour, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 200 ml water, a pinch of salt. (Recipe 2) Another tender recipe for sheets is: 1 glass of water, 1 glass of oil, salt, flour as it comprises for a dough not very hard.

Ingredients for filling: 1 kg pumpkin, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 4-5 tablespoons sugar, (to taste).

How to prepare pumpkin pie

  • We combine water with salt and bone. Pour the liquid over the flour and knead until you get a homogeneous dough. Wrap the dough in foil and chill for 10-15 minutes.
  • We clean the pumpkin and give it to the large grater, then we heat it together with the cinnamon and sugar. Stir constantly until the pumpkin softens. Let the pumpkin cool.
  • Divide the dough into two pieces as equal as possible and spread them into a rectangular shape on the top sprinkled abundantly with flour. We evenly distribute the pumpkin on both sheets, leaving 1 cm at the edges.
  • Fold the sheets one at a time and place them in the oiled tray. Grease the oil pie on the entire surface, then bake for 40-50 minutes over low heat (160 degrees). Then we’ll give another 10 minutes of the fire. This pumpkin pie is served sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Have a good time!

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