How to enter the flow of prosperity by freeing ourselves from the limitations learned in the past

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Unlocks the flow of abundance

Surely each of us have had better and less good times in life. When we realize that the only limitation lies in our mind, and that it has nothing to do with reality, we are able to access the sphere of all the possibilities that exist in this Universe. When we give up limiting beliefs, we discover that we can think for ourselves and still very well, we realize that we can communicate intelligently and discover a lot of new possibilities, which we would have once perceived almost impossible.

Each of us is connected to the entire Universe and to the whole of life. Power is within us, and it is good to learn to free ourselves from the old limiting patterns of the past that block the flow of abundance and prosperity. Ever since we were little children, we did not understand the criticisms that our parents, friends and even teachers were addressing us. These criticisms most of the time were simply due to a bad day or minor disappointments that they had and projected onto us.

How to enter the flow of prosperity by freeing ourselves from the limitations learned in the past
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Around the age of five we adopt the main ideas about the world, then during adolescence we add new ideas, which can hardly be changed. When we make a deep insight into our beliefs, we will discover that certain beliefs and decisions that we adopt, have roots from early childhood. We live within the limits of the consciousness of a five-year-old child, because we have accepted our beliefs from our parents and we continue to live according to their limitations.

Even the most wonderful parents in the world do not know everything, inducing us these limitations, through all kinds of worries and advice that in turn they have taken over. We repeat many times what our parents told us and we do what they did: “it won’t work,” or “I can’t do that,” and in reality, we don’t need those limitations. Positive beliefs and thoughts can sustain us, and fortunately, we can change whenever we want limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs block the flow of prosperity

Depression decreases immunity
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Any thought that we send ourselves, such as: “I’m not good enough”, “I don’t have that much power”, “I’m too old for that”, “I’m not attractive enough”, “I’m not prepared enough”, “I can’t find any good job”, “nothing comes out well”, “I can’t”, “it won’t work”, “what the world will say”, “I don’t have enough money”, “I don’t have enough money”, “what others will think about me”, “today everything is going wrong”, “when I left home I knew that something bad would happen”, etc., often prevents us from manifesting and experiencing the sphere of all possibilities. These assumptions, which we constantly manifest, are an ideal pretext for not acting, we no longer have to do such a thing and we feel good in our comfort zone.

If you wish you can let these beliefs limit you or you can reject them. In other words, you close your own door to inner wisdom and thus block the energy flow of spiritual knowledge. Meditation, sports and walks in nature, bring us closer to self-discovery. When we come to believe that everything is possible, we open ourselves up to many answers, in all areas of life. Repeat as often as you can throughout a day statements for prosperity: “All is well in my world. I live in a sphere of all possibilities!”

Are you willing to move on?

How to enter the flow of prosperity by freeing ourselves from the limitations learned in the past
Image from Pixabay

Have you asked yourself the question, why don’t most people have access to this sphere of all possibilities, abundance and prosperity? What exactly limits them, what are their fears? Most of the time the experience they fear will repeat itself over and over again, until they come out of this circle. No one wants to be criticised, but we are all used to criticising others. In this way, we limit ourselves by our critical judgments. It is good to remember that all the thoughts we emit come back to us like a boomerang.

Prejudice is a form of fear, a kind of connection with other equally dogmatic people. When we open our consciousness and do everything in our power in the name of unconditional love, we will automatically be on the ascending side of the graph. What we actually want, to be carried away by this avant-garde wave, or to fall behind, resisting the tide without any success.

How to enter the flow of prosperity by freeing ourselves from the limitations learned in the past
Image from Pixabay

The world we live in is going through numerous crises and that means that everything has a very strong collective bond. Our goal is to broaden our horizons of thought and thus transcend our past. Our consciousness can create true miracles. We can use our consciousness so as to create harmony and well-being for all people on this planet. Solutions can be found for any problem when approached from a positive perspective. When we begin to use the power that exists within us we can heal ourselves.

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