The tea that cures you of many diseases

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The miracle of regeneration

Every tea we enjoy also brings with it a spiritual lesson. Teas bring magical benefits to our lives. Whether we treat certain diseases and ailments, we want emotional support or we learn spiritual lessons, the teas we consume bring us the wonderful benefits that divinity has created for us. The beauty of rose flowers is ephemeral, but their fragrance leads us into a magical world. But what happens after their petals fall off? The beautiful flowers of the rose with their magical scent, are only an invitation. Fruits, that is, rosehips appear after the petals of the rose flowers wither. Rosehips, are a miracle of regeneration.

What ailments we treat with the help of rosehip tea

The tea that cures you of many diseases
Image from Pixabay

Rosehips contain vitamin C, vitamin A, B1, B2, E, P, K, nicotinic acid, citric and malic acid, invert sugar, lecithin, tannins, flavonoids, fatty oil, volatile oil, mineral salts. The chemical composition convincingly explains the main use of rosehips as an excellent tonic and vitaminizing for our organism.

Vitamin C in rosehip has very strong anti-inflammatory effects, contributes to an increase in the number of white blood cells by strengthening neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils and macrophages. It stimulates the immune system that fights viruses, bacteria, yeasts, molds and other undesirable fungi. Rosehip tea has a fantastic relief effect of suffering related to urinary infections, as well as for skin diseases.

Here are some of the multitude of remedies that rosehip tea helps us for optimal health: autoimmune diseases, chronic bronchitis, chronic fatigue, hemorrhoids, psoriatic arthritis, internal bacterial infections, diabetes, ear infections, inflammation of the gums, abscesses, urinary infections, bacterial infections in the small intestine, laryngitis, tachycardia, arterial fibrillation, colds, flu, sinus infections, acne, vertigo, skin infections, staphylococci infections, eye infections, fungi at the level of nails of the hands and feet, herpes simplex, fatigue of the adrenal glands.

Are you experiencing the symptoms in the following list?

Green tea strengthens memory
Image from Pixabay

In case you experience one or more symptoms from the following list, do not hesitate to make a cure with rosehip tea, the results will be more than surprising. For more advice on a healthy lifestyle we invite you to our group: Reiki Harmony & Prosperity.

Symptoms such as: blurred vision, dryness in the eyes, malaise, pain in the neck, sore throat, ulceration on the skin, heart palpitations, nervousness, pain in the shoulders, mineral deficiency, stagnant liver, lazy liver, constipation, hives, fever, cough, dizziness, ringing or buzzing in the ears, neurological symptoms including tingling, numbness, spasms, arrhythmia, enlarged spleen, startles, pain in the nerves and compression in the chest, all of them can be treated with a healthy lifestyle in which to introduce this wonderful tea that the Universe has created specifically for our healing.

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